"Mizu" and "Oyu" (Water and Hot Water)

Dec 13, 2016 14:30
In English, the word "water" is used regardless of the temperature.

However, the literal translation "atsui mizu" ("atsui" means "hot" and "mizu" means "water" in Japan) is a little unnatural.

In Japanese language, nouns that represent water change depending on the temperature.

"Mizu" often translates into "water", but if you say just "mizu", it will represent "cold water".

If you want to represent "hot water" or "boiled water", you have to say "oyu/yu" or "netto".

If you want to represent "chilled water", you have to say "reisui" or "hyosui".

By the way, "lukewarm water" is referred to as "nuruma yu", and if the water was once boiled, it's referred to as "sayu".

英語では、「お湯」と「水」どちらにも "water" という単語を用います。

しかし、"hot water" を直訳した「熱い水」と言う日本語は少し不自然です。


「水」は "water" と訳されますが、単に「水」と言うとそれは通常 "cold water" を表します。

"Hot water" や "boiled water" を表したい場合は、「お湯」や「熱湯」と言います。

"Chilled water" を表したい場合は、「冷水」や「氷水」などと言います。

No. 1 Steve's correction
  • "Mizu" and "Oyu" (Water and Hot Water)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In English, the word "water" is used regardless of the temperature.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, the literal translation "atsui mizu" ("atsui" means "hot" and "mizu" means "water" in Japan) is a little unnatural.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In Japanese language, nouns that represent water change depending on the temperature.
  • In Japanese language, nouns that represent water change depending on the temperature.
  • "Mizu" often translates into "water", but if you say just "mizu", it will represent "cold water".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • If you want to represent "hot water" or "boiled water", you have to say "oyu/yu" or "netto".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • If you want to represent "chilled water", you have to say "reisui" or "hyosui".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • By the way, "lukewarm water" is referred to as "nuruma yu", and if the water was once boiled, it's referred to as "sayu".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
But is the water wet?
Thank you so much for the correction! :)
Yes, for us, water is always wet.
No. 2 あやの's correction
  • In English, the word "water" is used regardless of the temperature.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, the literal translation "atsui mizu" ("atsui" means "hot" and "mizu" means "water" in Japan) is a little unnatural.
  • However, the literal translation "atsui mizu" ("atsui" means "hot" and "mizu" means "water" in Japanese) is a little unnatural.
  • In Japanese language, nouns that represent water change depending on the temperature.
  • In Japanese language, nouns that represent water change depending on the temperature.
  • "Mizu" often translates into "water", but if you say just "mizu", it will represent "cold water".
  • "Mizu" often translates into "water", but if you say just "mizu", it will represent "cold water".
     正しくないわけじゃないですが、"it will mean 'cold water.'"の方が自然だと思います。
  • If you want to represent "hot water" or "boiled water", you have to say "oyu/yu" or "netto".
  • If you want to represent say "hot water" or "boiled water," you have to say "oyu/yu" or "netto."
  • If you want to represent "chilled water", you have to say "reisui" or "hyosui".
  • If you want to represent say "chilled water," you have to say "reisui" or "hyosui."
  • By the way, "lukewarm water" is referred to as "nuruma yu", and if the water was once boiled, it's referred to as "sayu".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you so much for correcting my post! (^^)